Agnes [VRChat Avatar]
If you have no intention of editing the model or would like to try it out first then I suggest checking out public version in game! It's free!!
Public Avatar:
- Features -
- Transformations! Scale up and down on your radial menu to change forms!
- Ghost collision gimmick! They even mimic your facial expressions! (ghost sounds can be toggled off :))
- Facial expressions
- Base Color PSDs (coming soon)
- Face Tracking (VRCFaceTracking)
- Adjustable radial sliders for customizing colors
- Base Body FBX included
- Audio Link!
Note: Portions of the model are hidden using UV tile discard with poiyomi toon so the first 3 tick boxes on V0 for the body material will need to be toggled off for those sections of the body to render
- 3rd Party Dependencies -
- Poiyomi Toon Shader (Free or Pro)
-> Free -
-> Pro -
This shader is required for most toggles to function!
- VRCFT - Jerry's Templates 6.3.2 (Required for face tracking)
Creator Companion:
- Unity Installation -
Please Import the required assets before importing the avatar to avoid broken materials
If you've imported the avatar first simply delete the characters folder and reimport it once you've ensured you imported the required assets first
1. Download the latest version of the unity package
2. Once your project is loaded either open the unity package or choose Assets > Import Package > (select package location)
3. Import all the files in the popup window on unity
4. You can find the prefabs and scene file under Avatars/Agnes
Note: If the avatars material appears pink/invisible you may need to reapply the shader to the material in the inspector. Navigate to the materials in Avatars/Agnes/Materials, select a material, then click on the shader dropdown list on the top of the inspector window and select Poiyomi Toon.
- Terms of Use -
- Modification is allowed
- Redistribution of packaged assets are prohibited
- Public uploads to VRChat or any other platform are prohibited. Instead, please refer those interested to the public avatar link provided above.
- Videos and animations including the model are permitted as long as credit is given (@ me on twitter/"X" so i can see :D).
Please DM me on twitter or on discord if you have any questions.
@Graelyth / Graelyth
Unity Package, PSDs (soon) and FBXs.